Thursday, 7 January 2016

Real Estate Investment Finance: the REIM Module

Last year, the School of the Built Environment (SBE) launched an online programme in Real Estate Investment Finance. The programme is available at MSc or Postgraduate Diploma level and also at Certificate level for those who want to take the modules for continuing professional development or training purposes.

The fourth module of the REIF programme is about to start and so it is time to continue the series of interviews with module leaders, this time with Mike Patrick, module leader for Real Estate Investment Markets. The photo below shows Mike introducing the Real Estate Investment Seminar Day which he hosted at Oxford Brookes in April 2015. Several recordings were also made that day for the REIF programme (take a look at the blog post here). Anyway, back to the interview, I asked Mike four questions:

  • What did you study at university?
  • How did you find your way into Real Estate?
  • How does your module contribute to the overall REIF programme?
  • What kind of teaching methods will you be using?

Mike Patrick, Module Leader for Real Estate Investment Markets

What did you study at university or college?
I studied Estate Management at Leicester Polytechnic and then spent 30 years working in real estate fund management in the City (of London) before starting at Oxford Brookes University as a Senior Lecturer.

How did you find your way into Real Estate?
My father was an accountant which to me sounded very boring. I wanted to do something that led to a professional qualification and didn't involve 'just sitting at a desk'. I found out about surveying from family friends who worked in the property industry and that was it. Decision made.

How does your module contribute to the overall REIF programme?
In the last 20 years real estate has has become an increasingly global business. Greater use has been made of indirect investment vehicles, innovative debt financing techniques and even derivatives as a way of achieving exposure to real estate returns. The REIM module provides students with an insight into this by considering the financing and structuring of real estate investment.

What kind of teaching methods will you be using?
Students will be directed to specific reading covering each of the topic areas within the module. Assessment will include both online tests (primarily for the numerical aspects of the module) and written assignments. There is also an online discussion board on the website and the tutor will host a number of face to face webchats.

Thanks Mike. You can find the other interviews with staff on the REIF programme here. If you want to find out more about the REIF programme, take a look here:

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